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“I have no time”. We have all heard this recurring expression whenever people are having a hard time with time management or something like that. However, we should not speak of time shortage, but poor planning instead.

To that end, we have all been blessed with 24 hours. Some people are good at time management at work, personal endeavors and vice versa. Others are not so lucky.

In other words, we all have the same 7 days a week with their 24 hours each and their proper administration depends solely on us. Below, we will teach you how to improve time management at work. Are you going to miss it?

Time management is essential in a society in which we live overloaded with tasks and distractions, informally known as “time thieves”. On a personal level, proper time management is essential to maintain an adequate quality of life: poor time management can lead to stress, anxiety, and chaos.

Recommendations to Improve Time Management at Work:

1. Use an Agenda… Any Agenda!:

The use of agendas is essential, whether, in digital or physical format, the important thing is that you have one to organize your tasks and plan delivery or execution times.

We must always have it available to record our commitments and be able to review it regularly to remember them. It is not always good to abuse memory.

2. Time Management in Block Formation:

Another recommendation that a change in time management can generate is to divide the workday into blocks, it can be either by theme, by difficulty, or by priority. If, for example, we have complex tasks, the idea is to break them down into smaller tasks.

For example, the Scrum methodology allows tackling complex projects by breaking the project down into small tasks and optimizing time, financial, and team organization resources.

3. Set Daily Goals:

time management tips, time management tactics, how to manage time like a pro

On the other hand, it is highly recommended to resort to the strategy of setting daily goals. In addition to dividing your time into blocks, resorting to this strategy is a good option to be able to do short jobs correctly.

We have to set ambitious but also realistic and achievable goals to be able to motivate and stimulate ourselves.

4. Prioritize Tasks:

Remember that not all tasks are of equal importance, so start with those that are a priority, which is not important, you can wait. Also, we must know what our best performance hours are, in which we are most concentrated.

We will try to carry out the priority tasks during these times to carry them out as efficiently as possible. The non-priority tasks will always be carried out in our lowest-performing time slots, which, although they depend on each person, are usually after lunch or at the end of the working day.

Task prioritization is a strong virtue of time management at work.

5. Set Realistic Deadlines:

time management tips, time management tactics, how to manage time like a pro

It is not good to plan beyond our means. So structure the work well and always leave a margin for those unforeseen events that may arise.

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6. Prepare Work Environment:

The environment in which we work influences more than we think. So working in a place with a desk, chair, lighting, and ventilation, among other factors, is highly recommended.

Still, you should try to adapt it to your liking as much as possible and as long as it is an orderly and organized environment.

7. Avoid Simultaneous Tasks:

Performance is much greater when we focus on a single task than when we start to perform several tasks at once. Focusing only on one, we gain concentration and the use of resources is much more optimal. So don’t be in a hurry and everything in its time.

8. Delegate To 3rd Parties:

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On those occasions when you are overcome by circumstances, such as when you have many more tasks than you expected, it is important not to enter a stress circle and delegate some of your tasks to third parties so that they can all be done in a way successful.

We have to learn to delegate responsibilities.

9. Review & Retrospect:

At the end of the period that we had reserved for the execution of the tasks, we have to carry out a control exercise: see which tasks we have committed ourselves to have performed, which we have not undertaken and why we have not.

10. Organize Your Off Time:

time management tips, time management tactics, how to manage time like a pro

Rest is essential in time management. To make the most of our time, it is not necessary to be working the entire working day, but the time we do it we take out all our productivity. The breaks allow us to regain energy, disconnect from unpleasant tasks, and fill ourselves with optimism.

11. Identify Time Thieves:

Whether you are teleworking or in the office itself, it is important to identify time thieves, that is, those factors that prevent you from carrying out your tasks efficiently.

As soon as you know what they are and how they work, you will have to find specific or global solutions to eradicate them from your routines.

If you also want to learn how to correctly manage your work hours and be more effective either at home by teleworking or at the work office, we encourage you to sign up for Free Time Tracking Tool .

The post Improve Time Management at Work With These 11 Tips appeared first on Productivity Land .

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