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Nowadays, long-term business success depends on your ability to build and maintain a strong brand identity, and a powerful brand presence in  online and offline industries.

Before you employ any of your sales, PR, or marketing campaigns, you need to put time and effort into building an amazing brand that will inspire people to become your local customers.

One of the key reasons why businesses fail is the simple fact that many leaders focus solely on sales and marketing without first developing a brand identity, personality, and a unique tone of voice that will resonate with their target demographic.

And so, there is nothing to make their business truly memorable and impactful in an oversaturated market. Assuming that you have built a brand, now is the time to talk about enhancing and improving it over time so that it stays relevant in the eyes of your customers and online audience.

After all, branding is not a one-time project, rather it is an ongoing process that can yield some amazing results over the long term.

With all of that in mind, here’s how you can make business planning and branding fun and how you can easily enhance your brand to take your company forward in 2020 and beyond.

1. Re-evaluate your brand’s values

brand strategies, brand marketing in 2020, new real-life brand expansion strategies

First things first, to enhance your brand you actually need to take a step back and re-evaluate its past performance as well as its key foundational elements, like its core values .

Your brand must boast the values that directly complement and resonate with the values of your target demographic so that you can connect with your audience on a deeper emotional level.

This is what makes brands memorable, and it inspires people to become loyal followers and advocates.

Once you have established a group of shared values with your audience, you will find it infinitely easier to craft impactful marketing messages and campaigns, and creating powerful sales strategies will be a breeze because you’ll know exactly how to appeal to your target demographic.

Now, chances are that your values are still relevant, but there’s also a chance that you need to update and optimize them for the new generation of consumers.

Be sure to conduct thorough customer research as well as a competitor analysis to uncover the values and causes that modern customers care about the most.

After that, make sure to weave these new values into your website’s copy, all content on all online platforms, marketing materials, sales tactics, PR, and into every other process in your company. You want your brand to radiate these values at all times.

2. Keep your brand identity up to date

Much like you would optimize your values, you want to analyze your brand’s current identity to see if it’s still relevant to the modern audience and the modern way of life.

You’d be surprised how quickly a popular brand can become obsolete, a dinosaur in the industry, which is why updating your identity is a key step towards brand revitalization. Updating your identity will allow you to quickly update and adapt your entire marketing process and deliver more impactful messages to your audience.

You can start by conducting an internal brand audit to see how your employees perceive your brand’s identity and personality.

You can then leverage social monitoring tools to see how your brand is being used in conversation around the web, after which you can conduct surveys and even focus groups to find out what your target audience truly thinks of your brand.

These insights will prove invaluable in reshaping your brand’s image, tone of voice, and personality over the long term.

3. Invest in continuous brand development

brand strategies, brand marketing in 2020, new real-life brand expansion strategies

While it is important to focus on the long game, it’s also important to continuously make improvements to your brand and innovate in order to stay current and enhance the overall experience quickly.

After all, you need tangible results right now, not just in the next three to five years. Making small, continuous improvements to your brand development strategy is therefore vital to continuous growth in a competitive industry. However, you need to know what you’re doing.

Brand development is a complex process, and rather than overwhelming and confusing your audience with constant updates, you want to make small but meaningful changes that keep it relevant, engaging, and impactful.

Tweaks to your visual identity, internal and external communication, company culture, employer branding, and more can go a long way in pushing your brand forward seamlessly. Most importantly, though, this type of incremental improvement will ensure your business-identity retains its value in an ever-changing market.

4. Focus heavily on sustainability

Modern brands need to stand up for modern causes and help solve modern issues, and one of the most important among them is the problem of sustainability in the business world.

Customers and online audiences will no longer tolerate brands that are not mindful of the environment and don’t employ eco-friendly practices to cut their carbon emissions. L

ikewise, they will not stand for brands that are in any way exploiting workers, animals, or partake in child labor – even if you have a single company in your supply chain that does, your reputation will take a hit.

It can be impossible to recover from such a blow and maintain your cash flow , so you need to implement sustainable practices into your business model, clean up your supply chain of any wasteful or exploitative companies, and emphasize your sustainability in your branding.

This way, your platform will keep a spotless record and earn the trust and admiration of its customers.

5. Enhance the entire brand experience

brand strategies, brand marketing in 2020, new real-life brand expansion strategies

Last but not least, if you want your brand to thrive, you need to focus on improving the overall user experience. That means improving and optimizing everything from your website to your copy and content, all the way to your social media and all communication channels and beyond.

It also means optimizing the offline experience and all marketing materials that you might use in the offline realm.

What’s more, you need to make sure your branding is consistent across all online and offline channels, including sales, marketing, and most importantly, customer support.

When a customer gets in touch, their perception of your business should be unchanged from what they got browsing your site, looking at your ads, or perusing through your social media.

Wrapping it all up

Brand-building is the key to long-term business success, but that doesn’t mean that your job is over once you create a unique identity.

If you want to succeed in the years to come, you must use these tactics to enhance your business and ensure it stays relevant despite the new trends and market shifts.

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