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Let’s take a look at how to solve the access problem.

What is a Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)?

The demand for applications that provide multi-factor authentications has drastically increased over the years. As the world is becoming more internet-based, and companies are offering remote and hybrid work options to their employees, the amount of information and data available on the internet is increasing. 

The problem with remote working options is that the data available online , which sometimes is confidential, is at risk of getting leaked to the public. Many hackers are trying to access these files, causing companies to think about how they could protect their data.

A solution for this problem is multi-factor authentication (MFA), which acts as a second layer of protection over Windows devices, online storage, and communication platforms like Outlook Web Access (OWA). 

What is Outlook Web Access (OWA)?

Many organizations have started using Outlook Web Access to communicate with their clients and partners through email. However, since many companies allow their employees to work remotely, Outlook Web Access (OWA) has become the application employees use to communicate through email. 

Since Outlook Web Access can be used from wherever an employee is, the application has made accessing emails easier for organizations. So, securing this application is considered a priority for organizations. For that, the OWA multi-factor authentication helps organizations add an extra layer of protection to their emails containing important files and contracts.

The importance of securing a business’s email inboxes

Securing Outlook Web Access for businesses is really important. Nowadays, much business-customer communication happens through emails because of remote work or partnering with non-local companies. So, the only formal way of communication is through emails.

For that, companies tend to feel insecure about the security available on their accounts. A username and a password are not enough to protect all confidential communication. And if this communication is leaked, it could cause problems for the company, and customers will not trust them, which will damage the company’s reputation in the long run.

How to secure accounts on Outlook Windows Access (OWA) with MFA?

1. An MFA service provider should be installed 

To secure communication in the OWA application, managers must first research the most practical MFA application for their organization. After figuring out the best application, they should download the up-to-date service. There are numerous MFA applications available for companies to choose from, and their decision could be based on numerous factors, such as the authentication options that the application provides. 

2. Send an application for an admin account to the MFA service provider

The next step is to submit an application through the MFA website for an admin account. An admin account is the most important when using MFA because it acts as the domain of all company accounts. In other words, all the company email addresses will be connected to the admin account, allowing them access to the company emails. 

3. After getting approved, Log in to the MFA account and connect it to OWA

After the application for the admin account is used, employees need to connect their OWA applications to the MFA application by using the admin account. 

The admin account needs to verify the connection, which will give employees access to use MFA and protect their emails.

How does this work?

Login using an email address to Outlook

When the MFA is connected to an email address, employees will need to verify their identity every time they try to access their emails. This adds a second layer of protection to their accounts, so they need to verify their identities whenever they log in to their accounts using different devices. 

Choose the method of the second authentication

MFA providers offer numerous authentication methods, like fingerprint scans, face recognition, one-time codes sent to a connected mobile device, etc. 

Employees will choose the preferred method and provide the required security measures when they log in to their emails.


To conclude, multi-factor authentication services are becoming more demanded by companies to secure their cloud space and communication platforms from cyber-attacks and hackers. For that, securing email communications by using an Outlook Web Access MFA provider should be a top priority for businesses, which will save their reputation in the long run. 

The post OWA MFA: A Quick Way To Solve Insecure Access Problem appeared first on Productivity Land .

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